Sunday, April 29, 2012

my video concept

So I’ve decided to do the music video. The song I have chosen to do is “My Body” by Young the Giant. I chose this song because I feel it has a good beat, and really can be taken in so many ways, it’s not so literal so I would have more wiggle room with my video, and my interpretation of it.
So when I listen this song I usually play it when I’m in my room getting ready to go out with my friends and go party. It’s a nice song that makes me feel good and gets me pumped. So that go me thinking about the words, and he is talking about being a kid, and the chorus says “my body tells me no, but I want more”. And that line being repeated totally makes me think of when you go out at night, and you’re drinking and you’re partying and you’re walking all over town, party after party and at first you feel invincible but by the end of the night it’s like you’re losing a fight with your body and the liquor.
So my idea is to sort of show that and make the audience feel that way about it. I want to show video from like the fifties, black and white footage, of kids getting ready and going out, and mash them with modern footage of kids now a days going out to parties and raving. I think it would be a great idea to mash footage of the two generations together because they are both so different. One is all black and white and our footage is color, so you get that Wizard of Oz feel. And it shows how partying is universal between generations, but you also see how vastly different young adult society has changed over the decades.
So what I guess I plan on accomplishing with this video is to really just portray the fun teens have and how much we just feel so invincible at our age.

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